Quick- Lock System
The benefits of the PERIVO Quick- Lock system
Our universal Quick- Lock system fits all models of die cutting machines. Quick- Lock ensures fast and accurate positioning of all tooling in the cutting, stripping and blanking section. Because the tooling fits into one frame, your machine is fast and efficiently set up and fully operational. Meanwhile, the set-up times for (for example) SP 102-CER and SP 142-CER machines can be reduced to 15 minutes.
Cutting chase with Quick- Lock (modification)
Our universal Quick- Lock system fits all models of die cutting machines. Quick- Lock ensures fast and accurate positioning of all tooling in the cutting, stripping and blanking section. Because the tooling fits into one frame, your machine is fast and efficiently set up and fully operational. Meanwhile, the set-up times for (for example) SP 102-CER and SP 142-CER machines can be reduced to 15 minutes.
We adapt the Quick-Lock cutting chases to the dimensions of your die-boards. Because the Quick-Lock frame accommodates all tooling, there is no need to replace existing parts for blanking and stripping. For instance, the PERIVO system allows you to continue using the same pushers and “red spiders” on your blanking frame. There is no need to renew your die-boards and replace the ‘’’pushers’’ by the Bobst ‘’flush pushers’’.
Bobst SP 102 - SP 104 Quick- Lock upper stripping frame
Time is money: you will save time with exchange the tooling in the Quick- Lock frames, because Quick- Lock eliminates the need for time- consuming manuel repositioning of the tools for each production run.
Bobst Quick- Lock middle / female pull-out frame (modification)
Time is money: you will save time with exchange the tooling in the Quick- Lock frames, because Quick- Lock eliminates the need for time- consuming manuel repositioning of the tools for each production run.
As well as saving time, Quick-Lock increases accuracy in the die cutting process. As well as eliminating manual tool repositioning, Quick-Lock ensures tools are positioned to a tolerance of 0,10 mm. PERIVO Quick- Lock frames are very stable. A unique benefit is that all tools are pressed in the gripper direction by a constant spring pressure and that it is positioned and locked without any play.
Bobst SP 102 - SP 104 Quick- Lock upper blanking frame
Quick-Lock for preparing / set-up the next job in the second “twin” Quick-Lock cutting chase.
Again, saving costs through efficient operation of your die cutting machine.
Bobst SP 142 - SP 162 Quick- Lock upper blanking frame with pneumatic locking
Make your Bobst SP 102 - SP 162 identical to the new generation SP 106 and SP 145.
Invest € 40.000 - € 60.000 instead of much more for a new generation machine.
Bobst SP 142 - SP 162 Quick- Lock upper stripping frame
The PERIVO Quick- Lock set comprises:
- Chaseloader for Quick- Locking the tools in the cutting chases (pre-press)
- Two cutting chases with Quick- Lock (modification)
- Upper stripping frame with Quick- Lock
- Quick- Lock system middle / female stripping board
- Upper blanking frame with Quick- Lock
Also interested in our Quick- Lock system?
Contact us for an appropriate advice or request for a quote.
- Complete offer for the best known brands
- Strong in productivity improvement
- Quality consumables & replacement parts
- Exchangeable tooling for machines of various generations