Open Filter

SPO 1575

f6a86ae3 f954 486e 8ba6 b0f3927adca1

104003: Synthetic coverplate 5,8 mm

e918467e c821 45eb b11d cac1425059e3

110001: Side pusher block M 8

131d59a1 e171 4203 a991 fd6d335df787

110002: Side pusher block M10

5d06b9ca 67ef 4b5e 8794 515965f187f1

110003: side pusher block M 10 35 mm

e86eea11 9db9 4705 b14d 004227877ffc

110004: side pusher block M 10 Bobst 24 mm

4120d397 5b53 4163 9fc1 6dee39695946

110005: Side pusher block M 6

2aaed3ff 21e3 4856 8b4f 7c3cb66dec26

110101: Spring Pusher

14e396c0 8594 4929 821c 8bc1f660a261

116001: Chase plate 6,5 mm INOX hardened and ground

42467a20 4811 4d83 9429 5eeb4662ea95

117001: Chase plate 6,5 mm INOX hardened and ground

e21e0337 0ee0 41c2 bb55 61093b84e8a7

133062: 1 mm medium hard cutting plate (HRC 35) 1575.25

0265a7c7 254a 495d 91f5 24002414b75c

135036: 1,25 mm medium hard cutting plate (HRC 35)

eb0dc31e 3660 4c40 a2ea 782ec32c9fb8

137032: 1,5 mm medium hard cutting plate (HRC 35) 1575.25

c18e70b4 4af7 4402 95a0 465ab183b8c8

141037: 1 mm hard ground inox cutting plate (HRC 48)

c57adad7 a509 4ae7 8631 21ac3fdb976a

155001: Hard 6,4 mm inox cutting plate (HRC 50)

11872894 f532 4b25 9fdf c605262416fa

162001: 5,4 mm support plate INOX hardened and ground