Open Filter

SPO 2000

a4724ac4 2bfa 49af 8654 3e1d95a2b9b2

106003: Set Synthetic Coverplates incl. hinges (straight cut)

b3cc7f2f a384 4934 8e11 faadd6255b2a

106004: Set Synthetic Coverplates incl. hinges (with threaded holes)

33d2f993 9986 470a aa36 3da3b9dba402

107002: Set Synthetic Coverplates incl. hinges (diagonal cut)

867b903e b5bb 45ad 8452 0f1ed35b68bf

108002: Set of hinges for synthetic plates 6 pieces

e918467e c821 45eb b11d cac1425059e3

110001: Side pusher block M 8

131d59a1 e171 4203 a991 fd6d335df787

110002: Side pusher block M10

5d06b9ca 67ef 4b5e 8794 515965f187f1

110003: side pusher block M 10 35 mm

e86eea11 9db9 4705 b14d 004227877ffc

110004: side pusher block M 10 Bobst 24 mm

4120d397 5b53 4163 9fc1 6dee39695946

110005: Side pusher block M 6

2aaed3ff 21e3 4856 8b4f 7c3cb66dec26

110101: Spring Pusher

8411c2f0 8b15 4a4a a124 251d8495a5d4

114004: Chase plate 3 mm INOX hardened and ground

4fed8677 091c 45d3 aa89 eecf5c2a6bb6

115004: Chase plate 3 mm INOX hardened and ground with threaded holes M5

67344e48 83b6 463a 9ace 8aaaca2ccc69

133065: 1 mm medium hard cutting plate (HRC 35) 2000.08

b3e4cf39 54ac 4c9d be4f ea4ea5140f5d

135038: 1,25 mm medium hard cutting plate (HRC 35)

e29d15c0 55be 4ab9 b43e 3a83822969f1

137034: 1,5 mm medium hard cutting plate (HRC 35)